Big-Mountain Camp

Big-Mountain Camp

CHF 585,00

3 days // Friday to Sunday



Add-ons total:



The “coaching camp” for your big alpine tours!

The Big Mountain Camp is designed for good skiers who want to deepen their experience in alpine terrain. We coach you directly on the mountain, on the basis of exciting alpine tours.

The aim of the camp is:

  • Direct coaching from the mountain guide to experienced skiers/tourers.
  • Plan and execute alpine tours
  • Decide and be on the way independently in large terrain

This means in concrete terms:

  • Independent tour planning for alpine tours
  • Handling rope and hardware for couloirs, glaciers etc.
  • Ski alpinism with “scrambling”, ridge, etc.
  • Advanced skiing skills in alpine terrain

We as mountain guides are at your disposal as “coaches” and help you to decide and execute the plans you have made. This means that not only we, but also you lead the way!

With tips & tricks we will raise your already good level and experience great adventures together!

Ski technique: very good off-piste skiing technique, solid ascent technique
Stamina: endurance for ascents of up to 5-6 hours (1000-1300 m) and long descents.



Big-Mountain Camp „Magic Arolla“

**Level SPICY, HOT & HELL**

**Day 1 – “Magic Arolla”**

On the first day, we aim to prepare you for the high mountains. Unlike the Big-Mountain Camp “Titlis Backside” (only Level HOT & FREAK), where we immediately embark on an application tour, we’ll coach you with workshops on this first day.

Focus: Coaching and bridging gaps for significant alpine tours. We offer various workshops, allowing you to choose based on your preferences. These may include:

– General glacier skills
– Crevasse rescue techniques
– Training day for Big-Mountain tours, including ski touring and rope handling based on your level
– Education block “Rope & More” covering various situations
– Equipment handling
– Knots
– Normal & improvised abseiling
– Safe navigation in steep terrain
– Jump turns
– Sideways sliding, kick turns, etc.

Overnight stay in the village (accommodation organized). To facilitate easy mountain access, we’ll use lifts on the first day.

**Day 2 & 3**

Now the real adventure begins! Gaps are closed, and we apply what you’ve learned! We’ll coach you on the go, ensuring continuous improvement. Workshops in the field will also be conducted.

Training focuses on:

– Rope handling
– Trail setting for ascent
– Descent techniques
– Route finding
– Tour planning

Overnight stay in a hut with winter room organized. We melt snow and cook our meals. Guides organize the food, but your assistance in cooking is encouraged.

**Last Day**

Application tours from the hut, adjusted based on conditions and skill level. Descend to the village.

Focus on:

– Summit & descent
– Foot ascents with crampons and ice axe
– Short rope sections
– Crossings
– Epic adventure descents
– And much more depending on the terrain, individuals, and conditions

We aim to be back in the village around 4 PM, but timing may vary.


– Snow reliability: The high altitude guarantees snow coverage until spring.
– Skitouring paradise: Popular for skitours and a stage on the famous “Haute Route” from Zermatt to Chamonix.

**Skitouring in Arolla:**

– Impressive mountain scenery with rugged glaciers and sharp rock needles.
– Ideal conditions with ample snow coverage early in winter.
– Diverse opportunities: Northeast slopes below Aiguilles Rouges d’Arolla offer fantastic skitours and powder descents down to Lac Bleu at La Gouille and Satarma.

**Spectacular Descent:**

– Tour highlights: Ascend to Pointe du Tsaté (3077 m) and descend with a view of Dent Blanche.
– Day trip to Pigne d’Arolla (3787 m): A must for descent enthusiasts.
– Powder paradise: The descent from the summit to the village promises an incredible experience with plenty of opportunities for fresh powder.

**Are you ready for the challenge? For more information, contact us via WhatsApp or Email at +41795131656 


The conditions during early season can vary. Therefor also our program during the camp. The participant can look forward to a safe and high-quality program regardless of weather and snow conditions. We want to create an optimal learning climate where everyone can contribute their experiences. The team of mountain guides are very motivated to pass on their own experiences to you in a good way. The participants’ experiences and knowledge from the mountains also give us all additional opportunities to develop even more.

The passion for nature and skiing connects us all and we want to focus on the community of snow sports during these three days.

BMC – Day 3
  • Crossing Bächenstock, Glattfirn, Schlossberglück
  • Looooong descent to Engelberg

Training focus:

  • Glacier
  • Short rope / Micor SL (basics)
  • Ridge scrambling
  • Efficient occurrence
  • Navigation in the terrain
  • Application!
BMC – Day 2
  • Ascent to the Grassengrat. Possible summits Stössenstock, Murmelsplanggstock.
  • Descent to Chlialptal.
  • Ascent in the opposite direction to the Seewenhütte.
  • Delicious beer. The hut is open.

Training focus:

  • Climbing and rope handling on easy ridge.
  • Use of ice axe & crampons
  • Hardware
  • Further wish topics workshops at hut (e.g. pulley, rescue etc.)
BMC – Day 1
  • Friday morning with the gondola to the Titlis. 3029 m.a.s.l. First part of the well-known Titlis round trip.
  • Descent via Steinberg glacier to the “Hinteres Titlisjoch”. Scrambling over the “Messer”.
  • Abseiling over the two couloirs of the Titlis round tour.
  • From Schwarze Berg (2100 m.a.s.l.) ascent over the Wenden glacier to Grassenjoch (2731).
  • Nice descent towards Sustenbrüggli.
  • Ascent to the Sustlihütte (2256).
  • Here we cater for ourselves in the winter room.

Training focus:

  • Rope handling
  • Track system ascent
  • Descent
  • Route finding
  • Tour planning
BMC Day 1- Cozy Titlis

On the first day we want to prepare you for the high mountains. In contrast to the big mountain camp “Titlis Backside” (only level HOT & FREAK) where we start directly on an application tour, here we coach you with workshops on the first day.

Focus: Coaching and closing gaps for big alpine tours.

  • Training day for big mountain tours. Ski tours and rope handling according to level.
  • “Rope & More” training block based on various situations
  • equipment
  • knots
  • Abseiling normal & improvised
  • Safe skiing on steep terrain
  • Jumpturns
  • Sliding sideways, spit turns etc.Overnight stay in the village of Engelberg.



Dani Perret

“Skiing in the adventure area means a lot to me. With some imagination and the right skills, you can experience something in all conditions. Thanks to rope & skins, you can reach slopes and gullies that will make your heart beat faster.”

Dani was born and raised in the same area as Piers. The adventure in the mountains attracted him already as a child and teenager again and again to lonely and secluded terrain. He feels at home on skis, mountain-, climbing- or trailrunning shoes, in all disciplines. The focus is not so much on relative performance, but rather on lasting experiences with the highest possible level of safety.

Dani is a full-time mountain guide in winter as well as summer, stationed in Engelberg. Again and again he discovers the Engelberg valley and the surrounding areas in the Alps with new eyes and is happy to share his newly gained ideas with you.

Robert Lönnell

“Robert Lönnell a Swedish IFMGA / UIAGM / IVBV mountain guide. He has lived in Engelberg with his family since 2009.”

Robert started skiing at a young age and after finishing school he was ready to leave Sweden and start exploring different mountains and terrain.
After 10 years of travelling to different places such as Chamonix, Tirol, Canada and more he came to Engelberg in 2009 and decided to turn his passion for the mountains into a career.
He now works full time as a professional IFMGA Mountain Guide.
Skiing powder, climbing walls or guiding you up your dream peak. He is always happy to take you out in to the mountains.