Mountaineering Camp

Mountaineering Camp

CHF 580,00CHF 595,00

3 Days // Friday – Sunday // Beginner & Advanced Levels



Add-ons total:



The Mountaineering Camps are your springboard into the big mountains.

During mountaineering tours, you’ll face various challenges. Snow, ice, rock, weather, equipment, and people are all aspects that need careful consideration.

With modern training content, we refine your existing knowledge and skills. We take a close look and coach you in all disciplines. The goal is to equip you with the knowledge and skills that will provide safety and independence on your upcoming private summer high mountain tours.

This course is designed for motivated hikers who want to take the step toward independence.

You will learn: how to build anchors in rock and ice, how to cross crevasses as a rope team, proper belaying on rock and snow ridges, tips and tricks for using crampons and ice axes, and much more. This is not a classroom experience – it all happens on engaging application tours.

Locations & Dates:


Mountaineering Camp – Rock

After the approach to a suitable terrain (near an SAC hut), we do education on the rock. Whether you are already climbing or “just” hiking, there is something for everyone.

Duration: 1 day
Direction: Mountain guide IVBV

  • Climbing technique
  • Knot skills
  • Belay technique
  • Rope handling
  • Abseiling
  • Set up of belay stations
Mountaineering Camp – Glacier & Snow

On high alpine tours you are often on the glacier. This is a breathtaking landscape, but you should pay attention to some points to not mess up.

  • Roping on the glacier
  • Anchorages in firn and ice
  • Use of ice axe and crampons
  • Short application tour
  • “If something goes wrong”In the evening while having a beer or similar we will do a short theoretical training.
  • Tour planning
  • Map reading
Mountaineering Camp – Application Tour

Now we implement what we have learned and climb a peak together. Here you will be independent in rope teams and benefit from tips & tricks directly in the terrain. The focus is not on a difficult summit, but on independent thinking and doing.

  • Tour planning
  • Tactics on the way
  • When do I use where, which rope?
  • Glacier rope, short rope, micro pitches, pitches
  • Belay points
  • Summit success 😉
  • Descents and abseiling



Dani Perret

“Skiing in the adventure area means a lot to me. With some imagination and the right skills, you can experience something in all conditions. Thanks to rope & skins, you can reach slopes and gullies that will make your heart beat faster.”

Dani was born and raised in the same area as Piers. The adventure in the mountains attracted him already as a child and teenager again and again to lonely and secluded terrain. He feels at home on skis, mountain-, climbing- or trailrunning shoes, in all disciplines. The focus is not so much on relative performance, but rather on lasting experiences with the highest possible level of safety.

Dani is a full-time mountain guide in winter as well as summer, stationed in Engelberg. Again and again he discovers the Engelberg valley and the surrounding areas in the Alps with new eyes and is happy to share his newly gained ideas with you.

Robert Lönnell

“Robert Lönnell a Swedish IFMGA / UIAGM / IVBV mountain guide. He has lived in Engelberg with his family since 2009.”

Robert started skiing at a young age and after finishing school he was ready to leave Sweden and start exploring different mountains and terrain.
After 10 years of travelling to different places such as Chamonix, Tirol, Canada and more he came to Engelberg in 2009 and decided to turn his passion for the mountains into a career.
He now works full time as a professional IFMGA Mountain Guide.
Skiing powder, climbing walls or guiding you up your dream peak. He is always happy to take you out in to the mountains.



Mild - Starter

You always wanted to go high up? You are fit, do sports regularly and are often in the mountains, but your experience and ability to overcome glaciers and rocky uphills is still too small. This group is for the beginners who would like to learn everything from scratch.


  • Good fitness and physical condition
  • Hiking experience
  • Surefooted walking on exposed trails
  • Some climbing experience is an advantage
  • No fear of heights
  • Enjoyment of wild nature


Here we focus on the basics and learn the important basic techniques on rock and ice.


Spicy - Geniesser

Mountaineering is nothing new for you and maybe you have already done some 4000m peaks. The basics of belaying techniques are familiar to you and easy climbs make you happy. You are now motivated to develop your independence on the mountain to handle difficult situations.


  • Good physical condition
  • Surefooted
  • High alpine touring experience
  • Climbing experience
  • Knowledge of different belay methods




Was brauche ich für Anforderungen?
Gute Fitness, Trittsicher und Wandererfahrung sind Voraussetzung für dieses Camp. Schwindelfrei und etwas Klettererfahrung sind von Vorteil. Aufstiege von ca. 1200 Höhenmeter sind für dich im Ermessensbereich. 

Kann ich Material mieten?
Du kannst sämtliches Material mieten, musst uns aber vorzeitig informieren!

Sind die Camps auch auf Englisch?
Die Camps werden in beiden Sprachen durchgeführt. 

Was passiert bei schlechtem Wetter?
Bei schlechtem Wetter wir nach einer Alternative gesucht und eventuell der Standort gewechselt. Bei etwas wechselhaftem Wetter, sind wir auch mal bei Nässe unterwegs. Falls es unzumutbares Wetter prognostiziert, wird das Camp an einem anderen Datum stattfinden. Falls du nicht teilnehmen kannst, erhältst du eine Gutschrift.

Daten & Locations

06.06.2025 - 08.06.2025

CHF 580,00

20.06.2025 - 22.06.2025

CHF 580,00

04.07.2025 - 06.07.2025

CHF 580,00

18.07.2025 - 20.07.2025

CHF 580,00

01.08.2025 - 03.08.2025

CHF 580,00

29.08.2025 - 31.08.2025

CHF 595,00